Monday, November 30, 2009

Snows of Mauna Kea.

Aloha: Last night our mountains got a light dusting of what we, here in Hawaii, call snow. It is really more like shaved ice, not light and fluffy. This is the second time this year we have had "white stuff" on the mountains. With the beautiful bright sun we are having it will all be gone by about noon. If you watched the news from Honolulu on the TV this morning you would think that we are going to have thunder storms all day in Hilo. I think that the people in Honolulu get a little jealous; if it rains in Honolulu, as it is today, then Hilo must be getting it worse, never mind the reality.

Since you have already gotten the "weather report" all I have left is the volcano report. I have the Fox News Network on and Niel Cavuto is on. He has the CEO from a place called "Blue Nile" and he just asked what the largest purchase they have via the internet. The answer: $1.5 million for a diamond ring. Hey, back to the volcano. Today is SOS with the RB2S2BL quakes still above background levels.

Have any on you been following the anthropogenic global warming hoax? The latest is that the "scientists" threw out the raw data so that no peer review could be done. All that is left is the data that they admit has been "tweaked". It looks like they started out on this path in 1996. The powers that be still have not figured out if it was a hacking of their computers or a person on the inside that leaked the info. I hope it is the second option as that would mean that somebody there still has a soul.

God bless and I wish all of you a very good December.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Last Sunday of November

Aloha: Boy does time fly. This is the last Sunday of November and Christmas is just around the corner. Soon it will be 2010. Today seems like it is winter here in God's country. The sun was shining for a few hours this afternoon but now at 4:17p it is 60 on the sunny side of the house and it has not gotten any higher all day.

The volcano report is SOS with the exception of the RB2S2BL quakes, which the number of have increased to above background levels. (Does that make sense?) I am OK with that as long as they remain 2Small2Be felt! The weather has been great and we had only 0.65 inches of rain for the week.

We are still eating leftovers from Thanksgiving. I told you we had too much food. Nabru has returned to P'Cola and reports that a great time was had by all (as usual) in Missouri. Same on this end.

Today was a "kick back" day and as little as possible got done. Just my kind of day. Tomorrow I will be sitting, not back, but with my mo'opuna. "The return of the "Tickle Monster". Wow, he will be 4 in January. Where does the time go? God love you all and please take care.

Friday, November 27, 2009

History repeats.

Aloha: A belated HAPPY THANKSGIVING to all my loyal, and not so loyal, readers. I did not post yesterday as all my readers, that I know about, were not going to be near their computers to read my pearls of wisdom, so I just figured "what the heck".

Well, history has repeated itself again this year. We had too much to eat but tried to eat it all anyway. We all ended up more stuffed than the turkey. It was great. Now I will have to come up with some kind of excuse when I see the doctor on the 15th. I told him once that all mammals are genetically programed to store fat for the winter, but I do not think he bought it.

My wife had some excitement on her way to work this morning. A car entered the highway in front of her then started driving crazy. All over the highway, almost a head on, and finally ending up in the ditch. She pulled over and did her 911 thing and went to see if she could help. (She is a certified first responder) Much to her surprise the man got out of the car and had no major damage. His car was not as lucky. He will be hurting tomorrow.

I got a note asking about the volcano report. I stopped a few weeks ago to see if anybody noticed, (I am high maintenance blogger). Since somebody did notice you all will have to read about the volcano being SOS and that the weather is always great in "God's country".

I will have mercy on you and close now. God bless and take care.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Hoax exposed!!!

Aloha: In the 70's I was one of those people who held a sign that said "The Next Ice Age Is Coming". I am still waiting. We are now asked to hold signs that say " Global Warming Will Destroy Us All". I am not going to wait for the Ice Age to get here (in about 5000 years) and I do not believe in man caused global warming. Fact: There were once glaciers in Hawaii. This planet was once much colder then it is now! Fact: There were once palm trees in Canada. This planet was once much hotter then it is now. Yes, the earth will get warmer in the future. We are in an inter-glacial period and the earth will continue to get warmer till such time that Canada will have palm trees again. Then the cycle will will repeat and Hawaii will have ice caps on its mountains. I do not intend to stick around to see these things come to pass.

That brings me to the subject of this post. The entire "man caused" global warming panic is based on 5 studies and now over 1000 emails have surfaced that show that all 5 studies are PHONY! Made up. Not real. This whole "man caused" global warming thing is a HOAX! The next question is why. There is big money is global warming. In 8 years Al Gore increased his net worth from less than 2 million to over 200 million today. It is also a way to deminish the power of the United States in the world. I wish I had the "gift of gab". I have so much in my head that I can not seem to be able to put in words without getting very angry and losing my train of thought.

Sorry for the rant. God bless you all and may He bless the United States.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Better late then never.

Aloha: I almost forgot to make my Sunday report. Only 1.65 inches of rain this week. Now wasn't that worth the wait!

Anakam came back from Kaua'i this evening and I am waiting to read her blog about the trip. She called and had a list of people she met that are related to her on her mother's side.

My mo'opuna is feeling better today. He kinda had a rough week. every time he ate solid food he would throw up. Today was the first day he was able to keep anything down. I do not know where kids get their energy from. Even with the limited food he got, he was still full of energy. I wish I got half the energy from food that kid's get.

Take care and God bless.

Friday, November 20, 2009

A sad little boy.

Aloha: Auwe, my mo'opuna was a sad little boy last night. My daughter, Anakam, went to the island of Kaua'i on Thursday and Topher has to go to work early in the morning so I took CJ home with me last night. He was not a happy camper. "I want my mommy, I want my daddy." We had to go to bed at about 7:30p so he would stop crying. He woke up with a long face and so, since the doctor suggested not having him go to school today, we came down early. He was giving me directions on how to get to his house. He did not eat last night and did not want anything this morning. When he saw the McD sign he wanted to stop there, but he did not want breakfast. He wanted chicken nuggets. I told him he had to wait for lunch so that is where we are now, in the waiting mode.

I got a call from Manuel and all is well with him, Kansas Vovo, and everyone else at his first stop on his Thanksgiving adventure. I wonder if they will have snow this year?

That's it for today. Take care and may God bless.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

I want that job.

Aloha: I have been watching the news about jobs created in congressional districts that do not exist. I found this little tidbit; (in red) Four Hawaii Phantom Districts Receive $45,639,408 in Stimulus Funds for 3.4 Jobs. States across the country reporting similar findings on federal transparency web site. Malia Zimmerman $45 million for 3 jobs.....I want one!!!!! I can guarantee that I can stir up some economic activity with a job that pays $15 million. I might even let some of the teachers back into the classroom.

My mo'opuna has trouble keeping solid food where it belongs, so I kept him out of school today and the doctor (called) said to give him clear liquids and he should be all OK. Some kind of stomach bug going around.

I ordered some flannel sheets and I thought they would be here by now. Talked to the "boss" at the PO and he laughed at the thought that they would be here in 10 days. He said lucky if 3 weeks, maybe 4.

I guess that's it for today. God bless and keep all of you safe.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Busy, busy, busy.

Aloha: As my daughter said in her last blog, this is a very busy time of year. Making plans for Thanksgiving, where we will eat too much, and all the normal things working people have to do. Tomorrow I have to be in Hilo by 5:30a to take Anakam to the airport for her trip to Kaua'i for her HCC job. She just got a promotion at her other job and is now a supervisor. I will have to take CJ home tomorrow night and take him to school on Friday. My wife will be teaching a class for the Red Cross for the next few weekends. The course is for first responders. You know, the guys who get there before the EMT's and the police. Not so much for accidents, but for natural disasters. That reminds me of a joke. "What happened to the woman who backed into the airplane propeller? Disaster."

CJ did not go to school today because he was not feeling well. I had to pick him up early the other day because he was sick at school. He threw up at school the other day and today he had diarrhea. (That word just rolls off the tongue.) Believe it or not my mother thought that it would have made a beautiful girls name.

That's all folks!! God bless!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

A requested blog

Aloha; I have tried to get my siblings to start their own blogs as a way for all of us to keep up with what is happening. The only way I can get them to read my pearls of wisdom is to email my blog to them. Well, my brother, Manuel, has requested that I tell the world that he is going to visit relations and friends on the mainland. He leaves today and will be gone till December 4th. (Or is it the 3rd). The highlight will be Thanksgiving at our niece's house in Missouri. Kansas Vovo and our other brother from Florida, Nabru, will be there with about 100 other nieces and nephews and grandnieces and grandnephews and our new great-grandniece. I was able to go a couple of times and it was a great experience. The first time was at one niece's house and the next year was at another's. The second time we had about an inch of snow and that was the first time my wife saw and felt real snow. I think I got 3 snowballs in the face before breakfast. A great time was had by all. We have "snow" on the mountains here on the Big Island, but it is more like shaved ice. Not soft and fluffy but hard. A Hawaii snowball is more like a rock and you do not want to be hit in the face with one.

FYI: There are glacial moraines on Mauna Kea. Hawaii once had ice caps, year round, on its mountains.

I guess that it for today. May God bless and keep all of you safe.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Sunday report

Aloha: The company I worked for before I retired three years ago is closing its last supermarket today. They will still have their connivance stores (Wikiwiki Marts) and there larger store (Island Market) in Na'alehu. I worked for them from 1974 till I retired from the Na'alehu store in 2006. I bring this up because there was a get-together yesterday in Kea'au and I was the oldest fart there. I just knew a handful of the older timers. I worked for Sure Save longer than most of the people there have been alive. Wow, this is getting to be rather morose and maudlin. I did not intend it to be so. E kala mai i'au!

My rain gauge runnth over. Not really, I just wanted to say that. It holds 5 inches and this last week we had 5.5 inches of rain. On Thursday I saw that it had 3 inches so I emptied the gauge so it would not runnth over. Spell check does not like runnth. How else would you spell it? The weather today is cloudy without rain, for now. Hilo has been getting a load of wet and wind. There is a small store by Anakam's house, Kai Store, that had the awaning blown off the front of the store the other day. Took some of the siding with it.

Thanksgiving for the Hilo clan has been set for Ka'iulani and Burida's house. My sister and her husband from Kohala are coming in and she is bringing her great pumpkin pies.

Well that it for today. God love you all and take care.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Hello out there...

Aloha: I was just wondering how I could get more people to read my pearls of wisdom. On purpose I allow comments without identification to encourage dialog, but it seems that there are very few of you out there who read this thing. Auwe, dear leader is on the tube again.

I had yesterday off for Veterans Day. I stayed home all day yesterday and just kicked back. Today I am back in Hilo and will have the honor of picking up CJ from school. He like to play little games with me. The other day I had him doing a counting game on the computer. The problem was 1+3=? His answer was 3. I told him to count the bottles so he counted 1, 2, 4, 3 see three. I know that he can count and the look on his face proved that he know what he was doing. Have I bored you enough already or do you want more? OK I will have mercy on you and end this thing. Gob bless and be good to each other.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Happy Veterans Day!!!

Aloha: I would like to take this time to wish all you veterans out there a very happy Veterans Day. When I got out of the Navy in 1969, after serving 3 years 8 months and 8 days, I went to the UHHC under the GI Bill. At that time I grew my "freedom beard" and looked like a "mountain man". One regret I have is that I never got my picture taken with the beard. I grew out my beard on two occasions in my life and both times I did not get a picture taken of my bearded face. Do not forget that the United States is the land of the free because of the brave!

I saw an interesting thing the other day and am going to put it here. Are you ready? I hope this copy and paste thing works.

NOAA: October was 3rd coolest on record (global cooling continues)by News Release Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Auwe; the photos did not make the trip. If you want to see the photos I guess you will have to go to ( yourself, or I guess you could go to the NOAA site. Sorry.
PHOTOS Left: Sun at peak of warming, 1998. Right: After 10 years of cooling, 2008. NASA reports that the absence of sunspots continues today.
The average October, 2009 temperature of 50.8°F was 4.0°F below the 20th Century average and ranked as the 3rd coolest based on preliminary data. If you are surprised by global cooling like this, it means you haven't been paying attention.
I also saw a program where Al Gore was being asked question and he was asked a question about the Polar Bears. Polar Bears are "endangered" and Gore was asked why there were more bears today than there were 40 years age. The questioners mike was cut off. It seems that the bears are "endangered" (a political distinction) when they are, in fact, not (reality). Another example of this kind of disconnect is that OJ is not guilty (a legal distinction) even though he did kill his wife (reality).
Auwe! Enough for today! God bless and take care.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Great - Grand

Aloha: Well it is now official. Not only am I grand, but now I am also great!!!! I am now a great grand uncle!! My sister's daughter's daughter had a daughter. In our family the first member of each new generation is female. The tradition continues...

It was cloudy at Volcano this morning. It is now partly cloudy in Hilo. The volcano report is SOS. Notice how much more exciting the second paragraph is than the first?

Now for the most exciting paragraph of all. God bless and take care.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Go to jail!

Aloha: It looks like Polosi got her way with the passage of the health care bill. Since no one can read a 2000= pages nobody knows just what is in the bill. FYI how about the following:
JAIL FOR NO INSURANCE UNDER PELOSI BILL The nonpartisan Joint Committee on Taxation reported that the House version of the health care bill specifies that those who don't buy health insurance and do not pay the fine of about 2.5% of their income for failing to do so can face a penalty of up to five years in prison! The bill describes the penalties as follows:
* Section 7203 - misdemeanor willful failure to pay is punishable by a fine of up to $25,000 and/or imprisonment of up to one year.
* Section 7201 - felony willful evasion is punishable by a fine of up to $250,000 and/or imprisonment of up to five years." [page 3]
That anyone should face prison for not buying health insurance is simply incredible.

It was cloudy in Volcano when I left this morning. It is cloudy here in Hilo this noon. There was no glow on the Pu'u 'O'o webcam last night, although the "glow holes" in Halema'uma'u were quite visible. So the volcano report is SOS.

I got two responses to my plea for help about the birds pooping on my porch. One assumes that I live alone and do not have to take into consideration the feelings and desires of others. The second reminded me that I can use the same Internet I use for this blog to look up things, such as "bird repellents". Quite a few options there; from plastic hawks and balloon eyes to electronic devices to scare the birds away. I will be doing some research but am thinking the hawk thing looks good.

That's all folks! God bless and take care.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Another Sunday update.

Aloha: Another Sunday has come. and it is time for all of you to find out how much rain my rain gauge has accumulated for the last 7 days. Here it is!!! All of 0.05 inches. That's right, 5 one thousands of an inch. Today is another beautiful day in paradise!

The "glow hole" in the vent is almost closed off by spatter. I saw a faint glow from the Pu'u 'O'o webcam the last two nights. All else is SOS.

Anakam has given me the day off on Wednesday. November 11th is Veterans Day and I am a veteran. After going to UHHC on the GI Bill I got a job and had to shave my "freedom" beard. I took every Veteran's Day off. At that time my employer let us take one day off sick without a doctors slip, so I would take "my" holiday. We had a good deal at that time. We would get 7 paid sick days a year and if we did not take them off we would get 7 days pay as a bonus at the end of the company's fiscal year. When the bosses son came home from college and started to "work" for the company we lost those kinds of benefits. We did not get paid for one day sick and had to go to the doctor to get paid for any day after that.

We have a problem. Our big dog lives on our porch and he does not mind if the birds eat his food. I have seem one perched on his head while he is sleeping. The problem is that the birds poop all over the porch and make a great big mess. I want to get rid of the birds but do not want to hurt them. Any ideas?

I will close this for today. God bless and take care.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

The plot thickens

Aloha: The floor of the vent is continuing to collapse. In reality spatter builds up along the edge and then the thing collapses. All else is SOS.

The weather at Volcano was bright and sunny this morning when I left. I had to leave early as my wife's "tank" had to go to the doctor this morning. She has a new noise that she wants to have checked out. I just might have to wait for her to finish her job at Big Island Candies tonight. Then I will have to come down early tomorrow. My wife is just like my mother, in that, she can function with very little sleep. Me, I need all the sleep I can get.

I guess that will do it for today. God bless and take care.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Do I have pull or what!

Aloha: Yesterday I put in a request for clear skys and, low and behold, the sky cleared in time for me to pick up my mo'opuna from school. Too bad the same thing does not happen with my bank account.

Last night there were more collapses of the floor around the vent, hole or what ever you call it. Other than that the report is SOS. The weather today is fantastic. Another beautiful day in paradise.

I really should learn to make notes when I think on something I want to write about. I have a problem with being able to remember one thing when I start to write about another. I guess I will just chalk it up to old age.

Did you notice that in all the political races that ended yesterday, each and every one that our "dear leader" campaigned in, the person he supported lost! I saw a graph the other day that showed he has made more speeches in one year than the previous President did in 4 years. I think that is called overexposure!

God bless and be kind to each other.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Something new

Aloha: There has been a change at out volcano. Just after 3 am, the floor between two of the holes collapsed leaving an elongate opening; just before 6 am, more of the floor collapsed to reveal a circulating and spattering lava pond below. The red part is from the HVO website. Auwe, I missed it. It sure would be nice if they would publish some sort of schedule of upcoming events. I really have lost tract of how many holes there are in the vent in the crater in the caldera, or if we now have a hole in the hole....... Tremor and RB2S2BL quakes are still low, tephra is slightly higher with new bits and hair. SO2 is still elevated. Almost SOS.

It was beautiful at Volcano this morning, but started to rain at the rubbish dump (transfer station) on the way down. It is wet all the way to Hilo. I hope it is not raining when I go to pick up CJ at school today. I do not like umbrellas. If I hold it high enough to keep my head dry poor CJ will get wet and if it low enough for him I can not hold on to him when we have to cross the street. I have put in my request for clear skys from 2 to 3p this afternoon.

Hey, Glenn Beck just came on so I guess that will do it for today. Take care and may God bless and keep you all safe.

Monday, November 2, 2009

A great day.

Aloha: Wow!!!! When I signed on today I had two new blogs to read. The one from my grand-niece has some great news. A very exciting time in her life. The other post is from my oldest and the traffic into Hilo was so bad this morning she was late for work.

We did not have our mo'opuna Saturday night as was planned. My wife and I were in Hilo to bring him home. He refused to take his nap and was getting more and more "cranky". Anakam told us to go on home as she and Topher were not going to go to the Halloween Party that evening. They were still planning to take him to the Plaza for Halloween "trick or treat". From what I have heard he did not improve and lost out on the "trick or treating". Poor kid! We had been trying all afternoon to get him to sleep so he could go but no go.

This morning the temperature was 50, and clear. I had to go to the dentist and it was 81 in Hilo at 9a. Topher's car had trouble so he was not able to go to work. After my torture session I checked with Topher and since I was not needed (boo-hoo) came back home.

The overlook webcam sure looked good last night. Too bad it is not in color. There was a lava pond with a vent on one side and the surface cracks all aglow. Quite a sight. Everything else was SOS.

That's all folks! God bless and take care.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Sunday report (again).

Aloha: November is here and I hope you all (mainland readers) remembered to change your clocks. In Hawaii we do not have Daylight Saving Time. We stay on Standard Time all year long; and, believe it or not, we do not even have trains.

I have been living here in Volcano for just about 30 years. Last night, for the first time, we had "Trick or Treaters". I was walking our big dog and there was a lady and her two children, all dressed up, were out on the road. I really felt bad that we did not have anything for the kids. I did my "sorry" thing and explained that they were the first in 30 years. The first Halloween after we got married we had made little bags of goodies and only one car came into the driveway. When we went to give out the bag the car backed out and took off. I got the impression that had we not been at home we would have come home to a very bad trick. Halloween is a good time for the "baddies" to do there evil deeds as there is a lot of traffic in the area. It was a Halloween night when I got robbed 35/40 years ago when I was living and working in the Waimea area.

We were going to have CJ with us last night but I guess my daughter and Topher had too much PARTY the night before so did not go to whatever Halloween Party that was planed for last night.

Now I know you are all waiting for the rain report so I will not make you wait any longer. We had all of 0.25 inches of rain this past week. The weather today is beautiful, bright and sunny. A great day to be alive.

The volcano report is SOS. There was no glow on the Pu'u 'O'o webcam last night. The overlook webcam was another story. Quite the view.

All pau for now. God bless and keep you all safe.